syslog-ng: Error setting capabilities
Sur les systèmes Debian et dérivés, pour corriger l'erreur
syslog-ng: Error setting capabilities, capability management disabled; error='Operation not permitted'
il suffit de décommenter la ligne SYSLOGNG_OPTS="--no-caps" dans le fichier /etc/default/syslog-ng.
$ cat /etc/default/syslog-ng
# If a variable is not set here, then the corresponding
# parameter will not be changed.
# If a variables is set, then every invocation of
# syslog-ng's init script will set them using dmesg.
# log level of messages which should go to console
# see syslog(3) for details
# Command line options to syslog-ng
On relance syslog-ng
$ service syslog-ng restart
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